The voice of God

Imagine yourself walking through the forest on a breezy day.  The sun shining, the birds singing, the twigs are snapping underfoot.  You hear the leaves rustle in the trees.  Now try to listen to a solitary leaf as it rustles with the others.

Most days I really feel that's how it seems when trying to discover voice of God in a situation.  A still small voice, overwhelmed by the rest of the gods (notice the small "g") in our life.  I have situations in life I have prayed days, weeks, months, and in some instances years for clarity.  Yet, I'm left just as confused, if not more so, than when I started.

What or whom in my life do I give power to other than God?  Do I trust Him to work out situations for His glory rather than my own?  Am I following after what I want or after what He wants?  These are questions I struggle with daily in a multitude of situations.

I read the Bible. I pray daily.  I've fasted for a period of time in an attempt to properly discern the will of God.  Why is it that I can hear God so easily in the little things, but when it comes to important issues for me He seems elusive?

I believe God can work though dreams.  But does that mean every dream I have is from Him?  No, but which ones are Him and which ones are my subconscious?  I'd like Him to send me a letter that says "Here's what I'd like for you to do.  This thing I don't want you involved in, and this other thing keep on track.  That situation over there stick with it, but know it's gonna be years before it comes to fruition.  That person over there drags you down so keep them at an arms length."

I attempt to only step out and do what God wants of me.  My friend said "you would rather make no decision than make the wrong decision."  This is true.  

Ultimately I believe in a God that loves me, that cries when I cry and hurts when I hurt.  A God who treasures me and looks to draw me to Himself, even when I screw up this life.  I have peace knowing the One who knows the journey I'm on better than I know it.

Jeremiah 29:11-13

11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 12 Then you will callon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

That showed up on my Facebook wall yesterday.  Also yesterday a friend said to me, "Hang in there Mike, and know that God always has a plan."

And from Sunday, a meme that said "when you feel like quitting remember why you started."  And from a different friend "but I know what knows the end from the beginning. The Maker of my soul and the One who I will answer to in the end."

All of them ways to encourage me, God knows what I need.

In the past several weeks and months I have imagined God saying to satan "Have you considered my servant Mike?" The same way He did with Job.

I will not curse God and die like Job's wife suggested.  He's all I have.  The only One that has been with me daily for 37+ years and the only One will be with me for the next however many I have left.  I rely in His strength and those He puts in my path.  

My desire is for Him to be glorified in my struggles, and my comfort in knowing He works everything for my good.

May He bless you on your journey as well.


  1. I just read this post and it made me smile because I feel the same way often. The moms' Bible study I'm in is doing a study right now on discerning the voice of God. It's excellent. It's by Priscilla Shirer (her dad is Tony Evans, if that helps), and she covers just about everything you mentioned. One of her main points is that we need to really believe that God speaks to us. Why would He send His son to die for us and yet not speak to us on a regular basis?! It is EXCELLENT, Mike. Go find it and dig in. I'm two weeks behind, as usual, but it's not because I don't believe what she's teaching! =)


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