100 days

A friend said recently, "I think it's time for another blog post.  I miss them."

Truth be told I wanted to write a new post but topics eluded me.  There's been a lot going on, and quite frankly I didn't want anyone to assume I was writing to them in hopes they would see things my way.  And that could have easily applied to about 6 or 7 people over the last several weeks/months.  No one deserves to have individual matters called out in a public forum.

Monday I found this post on my newsfeed about 100 days of happiness.  I considered not participating, after all I haven't had a full day of happiness in about 3 years.  Don't get me wrong I've had happy moments, happy hours but I'm not certain I can say I've had an entire happy day.  And yes, I remember the last day I was fully happy, and no I'm not telling you, dear reader, about it.

So I posted on Monday a picture of my buddy Sarge.  
He is a playful, one year old German Shepherd and Black Lab cross.  He is incredibly loving and is an attention grabber.  I love playing with him.

My aforementioned friend text me again Monday and said "I think you should blog about your 100 days of happiness."  And I agreed.

Then yesterday occurred.  Yesterday was a fine day.  Not bad, but not great either.  I find myself searching for something that made me happy.  Finally I settled on something, after almost dropping the challenge on day 2.

Here I am early in day 3, and not a "happy camper" (forgive the pun).  I've been awake for an hour and a half.  I was freezing cold when I awoke from a sleep that left me feeling unrested.  And the search for happiness day 3 continues.  I'm reading a book called "The Fall of Five."  While reading this morning I read this quote 
“All of us deserve a little happiness, considering what we’re facing.”

(Excerpt From: Lore, Pittacus. “The Fall of Five.” HarperCollins. iBooks. 
This material may be protected by copyright.)

The more I think about it, the more I get it.  The 100 days of happiness isn't about full days of being happy, rather finding  each happy moment in the day.  It's taking time to enjoy the little things.
Think on it.  Here's the link.


May God bless you as you journey.


  1. You, as a person, never fail to make me smile. I think it is because every time I see you in my mind, you're already smiling at me, with a hug ready and a "how're you doing?" I hope you find unexpected blessings on your happiness journey, and please feel free to visit www.kurthcorner.blogspot.com to find a funny on a day you may have missed one. ;) My angelic cherubs *insert coughing fit here* are always good for a laugh. Much love! =)

    1. I'm so excited you commented!!! I love comments :). And I will most certainly love reading the exploits of the cherubs :)


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